Remembering Columbine

As today marks the 10-year anniversary of the tragedy of Columbine, I’d like to encourage Smart Girls everywhere to take a moment out of your day to remember what happened there and send some positive energy to survivors of school violence and all who have been touched by it.

When I think of Columbine, I’m reminded of the fact that there is a real impact to the way we treat others. That the pain and isolation people feel is real, that we’re all in our own way struggling to figure it out and find a way to be accepted and loved for who we are. It reminds me to be compassionate towards people, even those who do things I don’t necessarily love or agree with. It reminds me that life is unpredictable and it’s important to live life to the fullest and let the people in your life know how much you care about them every day.

What feelings does Columbine bring up for you?

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Sadly, violence in schools isn’t a thing of the past. If you want to take an active role in preventing school violence, here is a brief list of things you can do from my book The Real Deal: School:

  • Start with yourself…don’t give into violence by carrying a weapon of any sort, no matter what’s happening at school
  • Report any suspicious activity or violent behavior to an adult
  • Mentor a younger student and be a good influence on them
  • Set up or join a Student Crime Watch

For more information and resources, as well as a toll-free hotline, check out Safe Youth (1-866-SAFEYOUTH). You can also check out Safe2Tell, an organization that provides young people a way to let someone know when any threatening behaviors or activities endanger themselves or someone they know in a way that keeps them safe and anonymous.

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