Raise Hope for Congo

When it comes to the world’s hot spots, we all know about what’s going on in Iraq, Sudan, and maybe even Zimbabwe.

So it might surprise you to know that the world’s most deadliest conflict since World War II is in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. More than 5.4 million people have died from the war and its aftermath so far.

Women are the backbone of society and the best, brightest hope in the Congo, but as is the case with many conflicts around the world, the women and children are bearing the brunt of this crisis. In fact, right now eastern Congo is the most dangerous place in the world to be a woman or a girl. That’s because sexual violence and rape exist on a scale seen nowhere else in the world – it’s used as a weapon of war intent to destroy and exterminate women, their families, and their communities.

A campaign called Raise Hope for Congo is trying to inspire people all over the world, including teens, to join together and bring awareness to this crisis. You may wonder what you can do from here, but Raise Hope has all kinds of suggestions, including things like joining the cause on and , customizing your email signature to include an appeal to join the movement, subscribe to the Raise the Hope iTunes and , download a Congo graphic to your cell phone, and much more. Watch the video below to find out more, and then get connected with Raise Hope for Congo on their website or on , , or Youth Noise to get involved.


  1. simon Said,

    March 23, 2009 @ 1:21 pm

    Nice campaign. I’m a young person myself trying to get this out into the open – at the same time i’m writing a thesis on why and how the media overlook this huge conflict. It’s complex. Parallel to this I’m running a daily blog, and messaging as many people as possible to get involved, on twitter for exmaple as StopConflict. I can say that even though it has only been a week, there are a lot of people out there willing to listen.

    Anyway, I hope people likes ourselves can persuade others to act and take notice. All the best in your campaign, I’ll be following it!


  2. dreber Said,

    March 23, 2009 @ 9:21 pm

    Hi Simon,
    Thanks for checking in… I’ll follow you on Twitter… keep doing what you’re doing!! Best, Debbie

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