Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day! This year’s theme is A Billion Acts of Green, which speaks to an initiative aimed at inspiring and rewarding simple individual acts and larger organizational initiatives that further the goal of reducing carbon emissions and supporting sustainability. The goal? To register 1 billion actions between now and the global Earth Summit in Rio next year!

Check out the Billion Acts of Green website and you’ll see that more than 102 million people and organizations have already pledged to take action! For example, singer Brandi Carlisle has pledged to buy carbon offsets for her tour; actress Kelly Preston has pledged to work with Earth Organization; race care driver Leilani Munter has pledged to adopt an acre of rainforest for every race she drives in.

But it’s not just high profile celebs getting involved. On the site, you can choose an issue you want to focus on – from schools, sustainability, and food t0 recycling and conservation – and join others around the world pledging to do their part.

The most biggest trends right now on the pledge page are for people pledging to:

  • Eat more local food
  • Bring reusable bags to the grocery store
  • Raise awareness about Earth Day 2011
  • Eat a sustainable vegan diet
  • Turn off the tap while brushing teeth
  • Take shorter showers
  • Turn off the lights when not using them
  • Wash clothes in cold water

So what changes are YOU willing to pledge to in order to join this worldwide initiative to green our planet?

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