Language of Love is Almost Here!

Just yesterday I received a padded envelope from Simon & Schuster, and inside were two copies of my new book, ! Though it doesn’t officially come out until December 21, my lovely editor popped a few copies in the mail to me so I could feel them with my hot little hands.

I’m most excited about this book since it’s my first foray into fiction writing, although admittedly that has me a little nervous to find out if readers like the characters and story I came up with. It’s a whole different ballgame than writing nonfiction books, which are usually heavily researched and the structure is a little more straightforward.

Language of Love was originally to be part of Simon Pulse’s Romantic Comedies line, but Pulse recently rebranded that series and began packaging them in collections – two books in one. So now Language of Love is part of Love, Love, Love, which also features Caroline Goode’s book, Cupidity. As the back of my book says, Love, Love, Love presents “Two sweet stories about finding your own true love.”

Here’s a little blurb about my book:

Janna is quickly adapting to life in Seattle as a high school exchange student from Hungary. Or at least Julian, the cute boy she met in a coffee shop, thinks she is. The truth is, he overheard Janna using a phony accent, and now she’s stuck playing the part . . . Will Julian want to be with the real Janna? Or will she discover that lies don’t always translate to love?

I’ll be posting more about Language of Love as the official release date nears, but am happy to share that today the lovely and talented Holly Cupala (author of the fantastic novel Tell Me A Secret) is hosting me over at her blog, where she’s featuring an interview with yours truly (she even got me to spill some secrets) and a giveaway. Thanks Holly!


  1. Becca Wertheim Said,

    December 9, 2010 @ 11:02 am

    Yay Debbie! I can’t wait to read it! It sounds interesting and I know I will love it. Congrats 🙂


  2. Jess Said,

    December 9, 2010 @ 12:04 pm

    AWESOME! Can’t wait to feature it on our website next year!
    So proud of you!

  3. dreber Said,

    December 9, 2010 @ 11:26 pm

    Thanks Becca 🙂 Guess we both have a lot to celebrate this month!

  4. dreber Said,

    December 9, 2010 @ 11:26 pm

    Thanks Jess! 🙂

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