Girls Leadership Institute

Girls Leadership InstituteIt might seem like summer is a long way away, especially if you’ve been hit with the recent arctic freeze sweeping across the U.S. But it’s not too early to start thinking about summer camps. If you live in the Northeast and are interested going to a camp where you’ll learn more about yourself than you thought possible, become more confident, and get the skills you need to handle any challenge life throws your way, you might want to look into the Girls Leadership Institute (GLI) summer camps.

GLI was founded by author Rachel Simmons to help girls awaken to the full potential of their authentic selves. The camps, which are held in the Berkshires in Massachusetts, are geared for girls entering 6th grade through senior year of high school. And these camps aren’t just about making s’mores and singing Kumbaya (not that there’s anything wrong with that). GLI feature cool activities like ropes courses, hiking, drama, digital photography, cooking, filmmaking, debate, public speaking, Olympiads, Trips, Yoga, and much more.

Watch a short movie about the camps and find out more here!

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