Dove’s Self-Esteem Weekend!

Yesterday, I had the honor of being a part of Dove’s Self-Esteem Weekend, a 3-day event where Dove inspired thousands of organizations and individuals to gather together and realize the power women can make in the lives of building the self-esteem of girls. The Movement is about imagining a world where every girl grows up with the self-esteem she needs to reach her full potential, and where every woman enjoys feeling confident in her own beauty.

“Imagine the world of possibilities we can open up by helping to build self-esteem in the people we love most. Our movement is building a world where women everywhere have the tools to inspire each other and the girls in their lives.”

While my work most often involves talking with groups of girls about anything from media literacy to how to de-stress, for this weekend, I decided to pull together some of my favorite women here in Seattle to connect, build community, and enjoy some delicious cupcakes! I also asked each woman to answer the question Dove has posed to women everywhere: What do you wish you’d known at 13?

I loved seeing how every woman answered this question so differently, sharing their unique perspective and life-experience with the group. The end-result was a collection of powerful quotes which I pulled together to create this video. I hope you find these women and their message as inspiring as I do!

Also – check out this fabulous article on Huffington Post about the impact women can have on the self-esteem of girls by my friend, mentor, and Global Ambassador for the Dove Self-Esteem Fun, Jess Weiner!

1 Comment »

  1. pam Said,

    February 26, 2011 @ 7:57 pm

    Hi im looking for self esteem workshop/ weekend for my daughter who is a freshmen in college and would love to attend a Dpve self-esteem weekend or a workshop similar any information would be appreciated thank you Pam

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