Being In the Moment

Since one of my biggest goals every day is to practice living the moment, something I’m especially focusing on this week while on vacation, I thought I’d repost a Smart Girls Know Affirmation about doing just that. I hope you’ve all had a great week, and I’ll let you know if I succeeded on my quest to take risks, find balance, and be in the moment when I return next week!

XOXO Debbie

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Smart Girls Know Affirmation: Smart Girls Know How to Be in the Moment

Do you ever find yourself totally preoccupied about something that happened yesterday, last week, or even last year? Do you stress out about things that haven’t happened yet or might not even happen at all?

You’re not alone. It’s completely normal to get caught up thinking about our past and future lives. The problem is, all of this attention on yesterday and tomorrow takes away from our actual lives…what is happening in the now.

Here’s why living in the PAST isn’t a great idea:

  • You can’t change what’s already happened
  • If you’re looking backward, you’ll miss what’s right in front of you

Here’s why living in the FUTURE doesn’t work so well, either:

  • There’s no way to know what the future holds
  • Worrying about what hasn’t happened yet won’t change anything
  • If you’re looking forward, you’ll miss what’s right in front of you

Here’s why living the PRESENT is a GREAT IDEA!

  • You will get the most out of every experience
  • You will be more content and happier overall
  • You will be much less stressed out
  • You will see the possibilities in everything

It’s clear that living in the present is definitely the way to go. The question is…how is it done? Here are some tips for getting the most out of every day and being fully in the NOW:

  • Notice something beautiful everyday… a gorgeous full moon, a droplet of rain on the car window, the smell of banana bread baking
  • Take five minutes each day to STOP and be still…check in with yourself to make sure you’re making the most out of whatever it is you’re doing
  • Tell the people you love how you feeloften
  • Take a break from multitasking each day…it’s okay to watch TV, text on your cell, and surf YouTube…just not all at once!
  • Do something you LOVE…play piano, go for a bike ride, paint a picture…connect with your personal passion

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