The Secrets Girls Keep & Book Giveaway

Secret's Girls KeepHappy book birthday to my friend, colleague, and honorary Smart Girl Carrie Silver-Stock. Carrie’s new book for teen girls, Secrets Girls Keep: What Girls Hide (& Why) and How to Break the Stress of Silence comes out today! I had a chance to check out an advance copy of Secrets Girls Keep a few months ago (you’ll find an endorsement from me on Carrie’s website), and I just love Carrie’s approach for encouraging girls to get real about what’s going on in their lives. I’m a firm believer in being open, honest, and real about the challenges we all face, because that’s how we discover we’re not alone.

Inside Secrets Girls Keep, you’ll find quizzes, real stories from real girls, and tips and advice for handling stresses and challenges dealing with everything from boys, cyber-bulling and family issues. It’s all presented in a very down-to-earth way through Carrie’s inspirational voice.

Carrie is offering a one-day only bonus for people who buy the book through her website. When you purchase Secrets Girls Keep today (11/3), you’ll also get for free:

  • A downloadable 11-page discussion guide and book companion
  • An 8 x 10 Girls With Dreams Manifesto poster
  • 20% off coupon towards a purchase at the teen boutique, Artistic
  • Teen room makeover tips by Kim Gellman at Artistic Sensations
  • Parenting tips by Dr. Tim Jordon, M.D. and coupon towards Camp Weloki
  • E-book called How to Communicate with Teens and Tweens 101 by Vanessa Van Petten

Smart Girls Know is celebrating this book birthday with a GIVEAWAY CONTEST! To enter, leave a comment about what you think the benefits of sharing personal secrets with others might be.


  1. basma Said,

    November 7, 2009 @ 7:05 pm

    sharing secerts could be benificial if we choose the right people. the benefits could be helping u to become less stressful.

  2. Kerstin Said,

    November 26, 2009 @ 7:13 pm

    yes you are right but i sort of disagree. i mean no offense to anyone but still if you really think about it what if you are an uptight person, or maybe even a little shy? it might take a while for you to gain that trust with someone so i say before you gain that trust have a diary or something

  3. Helen Said,

    January 9, 2010 @ 6:24 pm

    A diary could work, but opening up to someone instead of keeping things to yourself could be a start of gaining someone’s trust. It may be a risk to take, but the person’s response to your secret could be really helpful or could relate to you; which can be something you guys can have in common or a start of a new friendship.

  4. Luce Said,

    January 30, 2011 @ 8:48 am

    When you share secrets with people, you are like, baring out your soul to them. Maybe then they can better understand you…even if that secret could break your relationship with that person.

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