AFFIRMATION: Smart Girls Know That Alone Time Can Be a Good Thing
Some people would rather eat raw squid than spend a few hours alone. Some people think that being alone is, well, boring. But smart girls know what some people don’t. Smart girls know that being alone can be a wonderful thing. Here are just a few of the great things about spending time with the person you know best (that would be you)…
- gives you a chance to figure out who you are and what you like
- restores your energy and makes you feel more recharged
- gives you a break from the stress of daily life
- makes you more confident in being yourself
So the next time you find yourself with nowhere to go, nothing to do, and no one to talk to, don’t despair! Why not try out some of these ideas? You just might make a few discoveries of your own.
10 Ideas for Making the Most of Alone Time
1. Go through your pictures and make new photo albums
2. Write in your journal about your dreams
3. Go back and reread a favorite book, or discover a new one
4. Go for a walk and see how many new things you notice along the way
5. Organize your clothes and make a pile to donate
6. Bake your favorite cookies
7. Practice yoga poses in your room
8. Make something artistic
9. Listen to your favorite album
10. Meditate and clear your mind
ashley Said,
February 15, 2007 @ 4:56 pm
Hey! Alone time, is amazing! this past summer i did a 3 week canoe out trip (i totally didnt think it would be my thing) and got a credit for it. one of the components of the trip was a 24 hour solo. so, i spent 24 hours by myself in the wilderness with a granola bar, a litre of water, a tarp, and 2 pieces of rope. It was by far the most amazing and exhilerating experience of my life. It really gave me time to think about EVERYTHING going on in my life, and gave me a chance to relax from the modern world around me. i often make my fav cookies, or make piles of clothes to donate when im feeling a little bored by myself. I am also known to write a lot of poetry in my journal when i need some down time for myself.
Much love!
dreber Said,
February 15, 2007 @ 10:58 pm
Hi Ashley,
That canoe trip sounds so cool…definitely the kind of experience I wish every teen girl had a chance to participate in. Solo outings where you have no one to rely on but yourself can truly be life-changing, and the strength you find within yourself during those 24 hours can last a lifetime. Thanks for sharing!
I hope to present information about unique opportunities like this for girls on the blog as I learn about them. There really are so many cool programs for girls out there…sometimes it’s just a matter of getting the info to the right people. If you know of any I should be aware of, please feel free to share here!
Peace & Love,