Girls on the Run Rocks

Girls on the RunYesterday, Girls on the Run in Seattle held its end-of-season 5K run. More than 150 third, fourth, and fifth grade girls around the city have been training for the run while learning about things like self-respect and how to have a healthy lifestyle. I used to coach Girls on the Run, but for the past few seasons I’ve been a “running buddy.” This means that I get the joy of being paired up with a fabulous girl for both the practice 5k and the big end-of-season event.

This year I ran with Deepa, an insightful, awesome fourth grader. Oh yeah, and she’s a great runner, too! I was so impressed by her focus and determination and strength… no wonder she won the Girls on the Run “future coach” award. As usual, I got all teary-eyed when we crossed the finish line…I know what a huge accomplishment running that 5K was to Deepa and to the other girls. How lucky am I to get to be a part of it and to soak up all of that positive girl energy?

Girls on the Run is offered in the fall and spring all across the U.S. If you’re interested in learning more about the program or how to get involved, visit the main website here and look for a chapter near you!

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