Archive for May 2008

Smart Girls Know Update

Smart Girls Know Affirmation: Smart Girls Know the Importance of BALANCE

Finding “balance” seems to be on everyone’s mind these days. You can’t turn your head without seeing a headline about balancing budgets, a food product promising you a balanced blend of carbs, fats, and proteins, or an article about how to balance work, life, and family.

But what is balance anyway? I like to think of it as a state of being where all the core aspects of who you are – mind, body, and soul – are being taken care of.

Sometimes the easiest way to define balance is to show what it isn’t. Here’s what being out of balance might look like:

  • skipping meals when you’re stressed
  • overeating to make yourself feel better
  • getting so wrapped up in schoolwork that you forget to return a friend’s phone call
  • putting exercise on the back-burner when life gets hectic
  • spending so much time at your part-time job that your social life is nonexistent
  • having trouble sleeping because you’ve got so many things on your mind

So what’s the problem with being off balance? Well, imagine walking across a tightrope. You’re doing fine when all of a sudden the rope starts to wobble and you’re so shaky that the slightest breeze could cause you to tumble.

It’s the same with life.

When you’re off balance, every little unexpected thing can throw you for a loop. But if you’re taking care of yourself and are in balance, you’re ready to handle the bumps in the road life throws at you.

So now the real question: How can you create more balance in your life? Here are a few ideas…

  • Log your activities for a day (or a week) and see if you can notice any glaring imbalances (for example, are you all work and no play or visa versa?)
  • Have periodic check-ins with yourself – every night before you go to bed, do an inventory in your head and see if you’re taking care of you (you ate well, you had some downtime, you did some school work, you laughed at least once)
  • Discover the things that make you feel recharged (for me it’s going for a run, listening to the soundtrack for RENT, or hanging out with my girlfriends), and do one of these when you’re feeling like you need to get back on track.
  • Start noticing what it feels like when you’re off balance so you’ll be better able to recognize the feeling and nip it in the bud

For more ideas on finding and keeping balance in your life, check out my new book Chill: Stress-Reducing Techniques for a More Balanced, Peaceful You!

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This Month’s MUST READ!

Snap To ItI’m happy to recommend teen writer Sondra Clark’s new book, , as this month’s must read.

I first read Sondra’s writing when she wrote a story for one of Chicken Soup books I was working on, The Real Deal: School, and have been impressed with her writing, her tenacity, and her thoughtful perspective ever since.

At age 16, Sondra has already written five books, has been the spokesperson for international causes, and has traveled the world. Let’s just say she’s wise beyond her years, and that comes through loud and clear in her new book, Snap 2 It. This fun, readable book is all about tackling teen challenges from a teen’s perspective, and touches upon things like staying upbeat no matter what is going on in your life, fun ways to forget your troubles and make other people happy, checklists and quizzes to help you figure out what you want in life, and ideas for feeling good about yourself and taking control of your life in a positive way.

I love this book because it speaks to so much of what Smart Girls Know is all about – keeping things in perspective, setting and reaching big goals, staying positive, and knowing that anything is possible. Sondra’s attitude is infectious, and I guarantee that you’ll walk away from reading this book feeling inspired, motivated, and happy.

Congrats to Sondra on this amazing accomplishment, and keep up the great work! To find out more about Sondra, visit her website here!

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Debbie Talks about CHILL in Simon Pulse’s Podcast of the Month

Simon PulseDeborah ReberEach month my publisher, Simon Pulse, produces a podcast highlighting an author talking about his or her book. This month’s podcast features yours truly! In the podcast I talk about why I wrote my book “Chill: Stress-Reducing Techniques for a More Balanced, Peaceful You,” what I found most interesting while researching the subject matter, and why I think it will help teens everywhere reduce their stress and find more peace in their lives. You can listen to the podcast here or download it to your iPod. Check it out and let me know what you think!

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Contest Update

I’ve posted info on a bunch of contests and opportunities for teens on Smart Girls Know over the past month. Here are two opportunities with deadlines fast approaching. I’ll continue to post news of contests, competitions, and other cool opportunities as I find them! Good luck!

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