Writing Contest: The Nation Magazine

I just found out about a writing contest that may be of interest to some of you! It’s from The Nation magazine, and is sponsored by the BIL Charitable Trust to recognize and reward the best in student writing and thinking. Here are the details:

We’re looking for original, thoughtful, provocative student voices to answer this question: What have you learned from a personal experience that the next president should know before setting the agenda for the country? Essays should not exceed 800 words and should be original, unpublished work (the writing can have been published in a student publication) that demonstrates fresh, clear thinking and superior quality of expression and craftsmanship. We’ll select five finalists and two winners–one from college, one from high school. Each winner will be awarded a $1,000 cash prize and a Nation subscription. The winning essays will be published and/or excerpted in the magazine and featured on our website. The five finalists will be awarded $200 each and subscriptions, and their entries will be published online. Only one entry per student. Please send entries to .”

  • Age Requirements: The contest is open to all matriculating high school students and undergrads at American schools, colleges, and universities.
  • Deadline: May 31, 2008

Submissions can be e-mailed to . Please include the essay in the body of the e-mail. All e-mailed submissions will be acknowledged. Each entry must include author’s name, address, phone number, e-mail and short biography and school affiliation – and say “student essay” in the subject line. Email with any questions.

Good luck!

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