Great Opportunity for Creative Girls!

New Moon MagazineI just found out about a great opportunity with New Moon Magazine that I had to pass along. You know New Moon, right? It’s that awesome magazine aimed at girls ages 8-14, and it’s free of advertising and full of great fiction, poetry, artwork, science, articles about the lives of girls and women around the globe. They call themselves “The Magazine for Girls and Their Dreams.” What could be better than that?

Next March, New Moon Magazine is launching an online experience for girls ages 13-15+ which will enable girls from across the country and world to share stories and ideas in a multimedia forum. Here’s how you can get involved.

Creative Content

New Moon’s online venture is looking for stories, poetry, articles, travel logs, biographies, videos, songs, podcasts, drawings, paintings, photographs, games, cartoons, and reviews from you! Here are the specifics:

  • Who: Girls between 12-18 years old. They are especially looking for submissions from girls ages 13-15.
  • What: Content related to politics and current events, health, powerful women, finances, fashion, entertainment and media, friends and relationships, pop culture, school and careers, and technology
  • How: Submit your creative content along with your complete name, complete address, email address, phone number, and age. If you collaborated with someone, include their information as well. You can submit online here, where you can attach PDFs, mp3s, jpgs, Word docs, and .mov or .aif videos up to 10MB.
  • When: Deadline is January 1, 2007

Good luck!

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