Cool New Show on The N

The Best YearsHello…I’m back! I’ve been busy trying not to get stressed while writing my book about how not to get stressed. I think I managed to do it. Anyway… I’m back!

Did anyone catch the series premiere of The Best Years on The N last Friday night? It’s a new drama about Samantha Best, an orphan who gets a full ride to an Ivy League college in Boston. The premiere was about her first days on campus, and I was instantly hooked! Great characters, excellent writing, cool music…the whole package. If you missed the premiere, they’re playing throughout the week, or you can watch the whole thing online here.

I have some friends at The N who worked hard on this show, so kudos to you Alyssa, Robin and Amy! I can’t wait to see what comes next!

Oh, and don’t forget…it you want to hear how The N comes up with ideas for new shows and creates all the cool stuff we see, listen to my interview for In Their Shoes with The N hot shot Amy Friedman here.

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