As Economy Shrinks, Teen Volunteerism Grows

teen volunteerismWhat do teens do when economic times get tough? According to a new study by World Vision, they roll up their sleeves and step up to help out.

The new survey found that nearly 7 out of 10 parents say the current economic climate has made their teens “more aware of the needs of others.” More than half the parents surveyed said their teens actively support charities.

Another interesting finding of the survey is that when it comes to volunteering, teens are more likely to give their time than adults are. I love that today’s generation of teens are so cued in to the fact that every person can make a difference!

According to an article on the teen activism site Do Something, some people feel the increase in teen volunteerism is a direct result of the election of President Obama, who has stressed the importance of service. The Do Something article also mentions volunteer-based organization Habitat for Humanity International and quotes director of volunteer engagement Alynn Woodson about a renewed level of teen volunteer enthusiasm:

I’ve worked at Habitat for about eight years now. Over that time it’s been great to see the increase in youth volunteering. But throughout that time, I’ve never seen it be quite so energetic as I’m seeing now. Students are feeling very energized by this new president encouraging them to go out and serve.

I’m a self-confessed volunteer junkie…ever since I was ten and used to volunteer at the nursing home down the street in the summers and after school, volunteerism has been a part of how I live. As the recession continues, I’m concerned about the future of so many nonprofits and social organizations that rely on donations from foundations and individuals to keep their programs running. Hopefully this surge in volunteerism will help to balance things out!

What about you? Do you volunteer in your community? And if so, are you volunteering more or less since the recession began?


  1. basma Said,

    March 16, 2009 @ 4:35 pm

    i do volunteer in school. like the last time i volunteered was in feb. and i had to help people from outside the school. its so much fun to volunter.

  2. dreber Said,

    March 17, 2009 @ 9:17 am

    Thanks for sharing your experience, Basma!

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