Smart Girls Know is for YOU

Deborah ReberWell, after talking about doing this for ages, I’ve finally gone and created a BLOG. Yes, I know. Blogs aren’t the new, hip thing anymore, but since I get so many letters from teen girls looking for insight into everything from handling stresses at school to figuring out how to reach their future dreams, it seemed like a simple way to stay connected, share ideas and provide a place for back-and-forth about the issues that are important in your life.

So, here’s my plan. For starters, every Monday I’m going to post an officlal “Smart Girls Know” affirmation. These affirmations are about giving you tools and ideas to help you tap into the power within you (and you’ve got a lot of it!).

On top of that, I am going to keep tabs on stories in the news that affect teen girls…whether it’s commentary by a bunch of adults about what life is like for today’s teens or something interesting, unusual or important that happened in the world that affects girls.

I’ll also be writing random thoughts…info about projects I’m working on, great movies I’ve seen, must-read books to check out, and the like.

Lastly, I want to use this blog to be in touch with you and answer your questions about anything and everything. I want to know what you’re thinking about, what worries you, what you need help with, and how you feel about current events and the state of the world. I promise I won’t pretend to have all the answers (because I definitely do not), but I will do my best to offer a different perspective and point you in the right direction.

So, welcome to this new adventure. I’m so happy to have you along for the ride!

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