Are You An Urban Hustler?
Did you know there are thousands of marketing companies out there whose sole purpose on earth is to find new, creative ways to reach YOU so businesses can tap into all of your spending power? And considering that your generation has more money to spend than any generation before, you’re a pretty attractive target.
Marketers and researchers are continually trying to figure out “who you are” so they can figure out how to sell their products to you. What do you like? What will you buy? What appeals to you?
The “Urban Hustler”
Alloy Media + Marketing just released the results from new research giving a new name and definition for a significant percentage of 12 – 34 year olds… the “Urban Hustler” – today’s trendsetters when it comes to music, fashion and technology. From the press release:
No longer confined to a demographic living in inner-city zip codes, the Urban Hustler has come to represent a specific mindset born out of the unique energy, creativity and diversity of America’s urban centers – closely connected to hip-hop, ethnically diverse with aspirations to succeed and a shared set of passions.
Here are some more traits of the Urban Hustler, which Alloy says makes up 20% of 12-34 year olds. Urban Hustlers:
- are driven by a need to succeed
- expect to earn a certain status among their peers
- are self-proclaimed trendsetters, especially with fashion, sneakers, accessories, music
- take their entertainment seriously, and spend a lot of money on movies, clubs, concerts
- name Bill Gates (Microsoft founder and mogul) as their top choice of who they want to be like
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Are you an Urban Hustler? What do you think of this latest marketing research…does this represent your generation? Share your thoughts!