Have a Green Prom!

Project Green Prom

Prom season is fast approaching, and as anyone who’s ever participated in the ritual knows, there’s a whole lot of ado surrounding this night – finding the perfect dress, the perfect hairstyle, the perfect ride…the perfect date.

This year, Whole Foods Market is launching Project Green Prom, a challenge to engage high school students across the country to “green” their high school proms by making thoughtful decisions and informed purchases for prom season. The hope is that teens will see there are many changes that can be easily made to approach prom from a more sustainable perspective – such as choosing greener alternatives in hair, make up, skin and body care products, prom attire and accessories, décor, transportation, and flowers.

As part of Project Green Prom, Whole Foods is sponsoring a video contest, where teens are challenged to create, shoot and send a short video (3 minutes or less) explaining how you would “green” your high school prom. The grand prize winner will receive a trip to NYC and a slew of eco-inspired prom gear, including dress, shoes, beauty products, refreshments, and much more.

Video contest submissions will be accepted between March 1 and March 31find out more here!


  1. Carrie Said,

    February 27, 2009 @ 3:02 pm

    I love this! There are so many ways we can all chip in to go green and I love that Whole Foods is encouraging teens to think about it with prom. Thanks for the great resources.

  2. Amy Jussel Said,

    March 1, 2009 @ 11:10 pm

    Hi Debbie, I’m surprised we haven’t crossed paths in this sphere already, looking at our mutual backgrounds in media, GFC, MoM etc! It’s like that six degrees thing, as I had just posted the kick-off event for this Teens Turning Green Project Green Prom on Shaping Youth calling it “March into Sustainability”: http://blog.shapingyouth.org/?p=5369 and YOUR post popped up when I was tagging the links. Pleasure to find you…Hope to connect more on many levels…

    p.s. Did you happen to catch my All Things Girl series? Here’s the links list of ‘greatest hits’ from all the posts I wrote in case you or your readers are interested. http://blog.shapingyouth.org/?p=4507 Browsing your pages we really DO have a lot of overlap here, including some of my advisory board people in your sidebar! wow.

  3. dreber Said,

    March 2, 2009 @ 9:29 am

    Hi Amy,
    Nice to meet you! I remember your being at the 2007 GFC Conference… Thanks for sharing your links to your All Things Girls series on Shaping Youth… I’ll definitely check it out. And let’s stay in touch! Best,

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