Do Girls Rock? Definitely!
I missed catching it when it was in theaters, but now that it’s out on DVD, I finally had a chance to watch the girl empowerment movie Girls Rock!, a smart and fun documentary about a week-long camp where girls ages 8-18 learn how to rock it out and reclaim their voice along the way.
The film follows a handful of girls as they stretch themselves in ways they never imagined, because at Girls Rock Camp, girls are taught that it’s “okay to sweat like a pig, scream like a banshee, wail on their instruments with complete and utter abandon, and that it is 100% okay to be exactly who you are.”
What I love about the idea of this amazing camp for girls is that it takes girls of all ages, from all walks of life, and puts them in situations where they’ll have to do the hard work of growing, learning about themselves (the good and the bad), finding ways to get along with people who aren’t necessarily like them, and overcoming their fears of expressing their inner rock star. While much of the camp (and the movie) is spent in small band groups writing and practicing a song for the end-of-week showcase, girls are also exposed to things like self defense, zine writing, song writing, and screen printing.
To get connected, visit the or . To find out more about Girls Rock camps (they’re now in Portland, OR; Brooklyn, NY; Murfreesboro, TN; Philadelphia, PA; Bay Area, CA; Austin, TX; Washington D.C.; North Carolina, London, and Sweden, click here.
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Want to win the Girls Rock! DVD? Leave a comment below sharing a time you took a risk and let the real you shine through and describe how it felt, and you’ll automatically be entered to win. Two winners will be selected next Thursday, March 5th. Good luck!
Eri Mizobe Said,
March 1, 2009 @ 6:35 am
I’ve never been a popular girl, but nevertheless I’ve always liked performing and being on stage. Before my eighth grade graduation, everyone was asked to write a speech, because we needed a valedictorian. Many people don’t know it, but I actually really enjoy talking, even talking in public. I was really excited. Everyone presented their speeches to their class, and from there three people from each class were picked to present to the entire junior high school population. I was picked, and a few days later I was on our school stage with eight other students. I was really, really nervous and my knees were ready to pass out. What made me even more nervous was the fact that many of the other chosen students were either popular or had many friends. But I went up there, and when I was talking about iPods, I decided to sing the line “Memory, all alone in the moonlight” as a joke. Although I’ve always liked singing, I wasn’t sure what people would think. But everyone laughed when I wanted them to, and it felt so nice to be up there. All of the students participated in a silent vote, and the next day I was told that I am the valedictorian! I couldn’t believe it, and I was ecstatic because it was my peers who chose me. Being valedictorian was a great experience, and I’m glad that I decided to go out there and do my best. I really learned that it’s important to be confident!
Courtney Belyea Said,
March 2, 2009 @ 6:44 am
A major risk I took was trying out singing in the school talent show… cliche I know, I never considered the guts it took to get up in front of your whole school and sing your heart out.
Now, I’ve wanted to be a singer since I was very small, but I was never confident in my abilities, and it really discouraged me how I went to school with a bunch of rich girls who had been in voice lessons when they where 5- I never considered I had a chance.
I can’t tell you what I was thinking when I decided to sign up- but when I got up in front of hundreds of people, they were silenced by my singing- and I got major appulse my song ended.
This experience made me feel hopeful for my future and potential, it took all my courage to get up there and give it all I’ve got- definitely worth it.
I learned that I am worth something despite the opinions people have of me and the standards and limitations they place, my peers 7 even my teachers, have no idea of how far I can soar!
Miss Erin Said,
March 3, 2009 @ 7:04 pm
This might not sound like a risk, but I was at a party with a guy I liked, and this was back in my VERY VERY SHY phase, like I plain did NOT talk to any guys whatsoever. Everyone was sitting down and there was a seat next to him and I went and took it. Which felt totally huge. (I know, it makes me kind of laugh now too, but at the time…it was definitely a risk in my book.) And THEN I actually talked to him, about something I’m passionate about – acting. And I tried my darnedst to be myself, which can be a pretty scary thing to try where boys are concerned sometimes. 😛
dreber Said,
March 9, 2009 @ 12:44 pm
Hey everyone, thanks for your great comments! And congratulations to Miss Erin and Courtney Belyea, winners of the GIRLS ROCK dvds!
Interested in a Girls Rock! Camp? Said,
May 27, 2009 @ 9:03 am
[…] few months ago, I blogged about the cool, inspirational documentary Girls Rock! which chronicled the life-changing experience […]