Be a GameChanger

Women in Sport

What happens when you put sports and girls together? Good things. It’s a proven fact that girls who participate in sports are likely to get better grades, and have higher levels of confidence, self-esteem, and positive body image than girls who don’t play sports. As a woman and a runner, I know firsthand the incredible things I’ve gained by being an athlete.

Nike and Ashoka Changermakers believe that sports can be used to improve community, accelerate development, and drive social change for girls and women around the world, which is why they’ve created the GameChangers: Change the Game for Women in Sport initiative.

If you have an idea for using sports as a tool for positive social change in the lives or women and girls, submit your idea or nominate an organization or initiative on the GameChangers website. The deadline for entries and nominations is tomorrow, February 25, 6pm EST.

And if you want to see what women from all over the world are up to and read about their proposals for merging girls and sports for change, you can check out all the entries here. And even if you don’t have a proposal of your own, GameChangers still wants you to join the dialogue. Your experience and insights are invaluable to the emerging field of sport for social change. Lastly, GameChangers will need your help again from April 1 to April 15, 2009, to vote for three winners from the approximately 12 finalists.

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