Mercer Island Girls Dream Big

Mercer Island Library

A few weeks ago, I went to the Mercer Island Library to give my “Dream It, Do It” workshop for girls. The workshop stems from my book, , and gives girls tools for thoughtfully thinking about their career futures and helps them recognize the things they can start doing today to make their dreams more attainable.

The workshop also highlights some of my most favorite words of wisdom from the women of In Their Shoes, which I thought I’d share with you here:

  • Don’t Be Afraid to Fail – Missy Park, entrepreneur and founder of Title 9 Sports
  • Follow Your Passion, Not the Money – Amy Friedman, SVP of Original Programming, The N & Noggin
  • The People Who “Do” Become the People Who “Are” – Susannah Grant, Academy Award-nominated screenwriter
  • Enthusiasm and a Good Attitude Gets Noticed – Susan Schulz, former Editor-in-Chief, CosmoGIRL!
  • Take Time to Stop and Recharge – Lupe Valdez, Sheriff of Dallas County
  • Give Life a Chance to Reveal Itself to You – Maureen Shirreff, North American Creative Director, Ogilvy & Mather
  • Don’t Let Anybody Set Limitations on What You Can Do – Holly McPeak, Olympic Medalist
  • Don’t Be Afraid to Make a Change – Joyce Roche’, CEO of Girls Inc.

Visit my website to listen to my original interview with TV executive Amy Friedman and read the profile of Olympic volleyball player Holly McPeak.

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