Ever Been Told You Can’t Do Something Because You’re a Girl?

Girls Can't WhatThe women’s movement may have happened decades ago, but that doesn’t mean women and girls still don’t find themselves being told something’s out of their reach just because they’re a girl. While many of us know not to pay any mind to these naysayers, it can be challenging to move past these put downs to move on depending on who they’re coming from.

That’s why Girls Can’t What? was created – to encourage women to pursue their dreams no matter what roadblocks they may encounter. On the website, you’ll find heaps of anecdotes from real women and girls who share their stories of being told they couldn’t do something – from taking a computer science class in school to piloting a helicopter – and proved everyone wrong.

My most vivid memory of being told to give up is from college, when I was trying to transfer into the film program. I met with the department advisor, who, after listening to me plead my case, flat out told me I could transfer to film, but I should know I’d never do anything with the degree. I’d just be a housewife with a film degree and that would be that. I was flabberghasted. And pissed. But despite my outrage, I ended up changing my mind and pursuing broadcast journalism instead, mostly because I didn’t want to deal with the sexist jerk for the next three years. Looking back, I wish I had done more, or at the very least, reported his outrageous and inappropriate behavior to the school.

So, check out Girls Can’t What? and get inspired. We girls really can do anything we want to do!

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