Happy Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day!

Introduce a Girl to Engineering DayYou probably won’t find a Hallmark card to go along with this holiday, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth celebrating! Today, women engineers and their male counterparts will reach as many as one million girls around the country with workshops, tours, online discussions, and engineering activities at businesses, universities, and libraries as part of Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day.

The day was started because women are seriously underrepresented in the engineering field – only 20% of engineering graduates are women, and only 10% of the engineering work force is made up of women. The hope is that through the Day and other outreach efforts, “girls and young women will feel empowered to pursue a challenging, lucrative, creative and potentially world-changing career in science, technology, engineering, and math.”

To find out about Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day activities happening near you, visit the Engineers Week website here.


  1. Nicole Siswick Said,

    February 19, 2009 @ 11:58 am

    Hi Debbie,

    Just wanted to thank you for your support of Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day. I work on Engineer Your Life (which I know you link to in your sidebar), and wanted to share with you and your readers that EYL now has a Facebook page! We have also created an Introduce a Girl to Engineering event page, where you can sign up as “attending.” I know the day is almost over, but there’s still time to show your support!

    Thanks again for all the great links and information you share with us.


  2. dreber Said,

    February 20, 2009 @ 12:49 pm

    Hi Nicole,
    Thanks for your comment and sharing news of the Facebook page! I hope all Smart Girls will become fans 🙂 Best,

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