Today is Earth Day…an annual celebration devoted to appreciating nature and learning about ways to protect the environment. Earth Day was first started in 1970 in San Francisco, CA, but today more than 100 countries around the world join together to celebrate the Earth and its precious resources.

Earth Day is a great day to take a moment and reflect about your own lifestyle and what kind of impact it may be having on the Earth and the environment. Some people call this an “ecological footprint.” Don’t know where you stand? Take this quiz to find out how much of an “ecological footprint” you’re leaving on the earth.

While it’s great to be environmentally aware every day, here are some ways to be extra conscientious in celebrating Earth Day this year:

  • Plant a tree! Trees help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, so every tree planted helps out the atmosphere
  • See if you can go through one day without throwing away or using anything that isn’t recyclable. Use cloth napkins instead of paper, and don’t use disposal plastic like cups or silverware
  • Make a commitment to being more environmentally conscious
  • Rent An Inconvenient Truth on DVD or read the newly released version of the for young adults
  • Eat only local grown and/or organic food

For more ideas on things you can do everyday to help protect the earth, read this previous Smart Girls Know entry on global warming.


I had the chance to interview young environmentalist Severn Cullis-Suzuki for my book, In Their Shoes. When I asked if she had any advice for teen girls who are interested in being a part of environmental change, she had this to say:

“More than ever right now we need female voices, so don’t be afraid to speak out. I think that one of the most important roles that youth can play is to raise all hell about what is happening to our future. I mean, what’s happening today and the decisions that are going down and the lifestyles we are now living is really degrading the quality of life that we’re going to have. We have everything to lose, so we have to bring attention to this. Who else is going to?”

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