In the News: Career Scoop

Know How 2 Go

Know How 2 Go!
To land your dream job down the road, chances are you’ll need a college education to get your foot in the door. But planning ahead and navigating the college application process can be extremely intimidating. Now there’s a place to go for help. Know How 2 Go, which recently partnered with the YMCA, has a ton of resources for helping teens – from middle school on up – come up with a “road map” or plan for making their college dreams come true.

From the website:

You know why to go to college; we’re here to tell you how. There are specific steps you need to take and this site can help you along the way. Remember, it’s never too early – or too late – to start on the road to college.

If you’ve got college aspirations, this is definitely one site worth checking out!

Best Teen Chef Competition
Are you interested in being a chef someday? You might want to check out The Art Institute’s Best Teen Chef competition, held every year for high school seniors. For the 2007 competition, dozens of teens took part in “cook-offs” last weekend in 23 cities around the country, where they had to show off their cooking skills for the judges and create a menu consisting of shrimp cocktail, sauteed breast of chicken, fresh broccoli and rice pilaf, all while being timed. The winner from each location will go to Dallas for the national Best Teen Chef competition on May 5. For the winner? A full-tuition scholarship to study culinary arts at an Arts Institute school.

Visit the Art Institute online to find out how to apply for a future competition.

* On a personal note, I interviewed two women chefs extraordinaire for In Their Shoes – Mary Sue Milliken and Susan Feniger, co-owners of the Border Grill and Cuidad in Los Angeles. Check back to my website after April 10 to read the transcript of my full interview with Mary Sue and Susan!

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PS… I got a copy of my finished book In Their Shoes this morning, hot off the presses! It’s very exciting to finally have the book in my hot little hands after such a long process of conceiving, researching, writing and editing it. The official date when it will be available in bookstores is April 10… I’ll write more about the book launch as it gets closer! In the meantime, email me if you’d like some promotional postcards or bookmarks for the book!

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