Just Yell Fire – A Must-See Movie for Teen Girls

If you haven’t heard about the movie Just Yell Fire, definitely read on. Just Yell Fire is a 47-minute film, available for free download online, created by two Portland, Oregon teens, Dallas Jessup and Catherine Wehage. Dallas and Catherine created the film to empower girls everywhere to protect themselves against rape or abduction.

It all started when the two friends saw the abduction of a real girl on the TV news. The two got to talking and started doing research about girls and crime. The facts they discovered were shocking, including the following statistics:

• 1 in 4 girls presently in middle school or high school will be date-raped before they graduate from college

• For every 2 convicted child molesters, there are 5 that haven’t been caught

• Teenage girls are the group at greatest risk for non-family abductions

Dallas and Catherine also realized that many rapes and abductions could be prevented if girls everywhere knew how to protect themselves. That’s where Just Yell Fire comes in.

Dallas and Catherine wrote the script for the film, working with their street fighting coach, Chad Von Dette, to come up with easy-to-learn strategies for getting away from attackers, no matter their size. They came up with the name Just Yell Fire basd on the fact that bystanders are more likely to respond to someone yelling “fire!” than they are to “help!” or “rape!”

Eventually Dallas and Catherine’s script got the interest of their communities and they were able to raise the funds to make their film a reality. They also got the attention of two of today’s hottest stars, LOST‘s Evangeline Lilly and Josh Holloway, who lended their star power to introduce the film.

Just Yell Fire was wrapped up last fall, and is now available for free to anyone who wants to download it (click on the banner above for a direct link). And it’s definitely worth checking out. In 47 minutes, you’ll learn invaluable techniques for escaping from a potential abductor, including things like biting in key areas, eye gouges, ear slaps, groin slaps and a few other maneuvers that, when used together, would make a much stronger attacker let go long enough for a teen to run away.

As each technique is explained in the movie, it is demonstrated in both slow-motion and real-time to see how it works. Then we get to see them acted out in realistic abduction scenarios.

In addition to the street fighting techniques, Dallas and Catherine state some powerful girls’ rights throughout the film, including:

  • I have the right to have high self-esteem
  • I have the right to refuse to date anyone
  • I have the right to refuse sex with anyone, anytime, for any reason
  • I have the right to be heard
  • I have the right to have my limits and values respected
  • I have the right not to be pressed into anything that I don’t want to do
  • I have the right not to be abused, physically, emotionally, or sexually

These important messages, combined with the empowering techniques demonstrated throughout the film, make this one movie that will resonate with everyone who sees it. I can’t recommend it highly enough…tell your friends, your sisters, your moms…Yell For Fire just might save your life.


  1. Nancee Truelove Said,

    May 1, 2007 @ 6:38 am

    I am a high school cheer coach and I want to show the video to my cheer team

    at cheer camp, I tried to download it….and I can’t. Can I get the video sent to me?

  2. dreber Said,

    May 2, 2007 @ 2:55 pm

    Hi… if you’re unable to download the video from the internet, write to this address requesting a copy of the DVD and you’ll receive it for free:
    Maggie Jessup
    P.O. Box 5647

  3. jessica Said,

    June 5, 2007 @ 11:52 am

    i would like to thank you for putting so much effert into helping girls like you and me. Me being a 14 year old, do need to know how to protect myself and by now, theres no dought in my mind that you two have probaly saved many girls. Again, thank you for being true heroes.

  4. Moira Said,

    October 27, 2007 @ 12:24 pm

    Thankyou for posting this. Two years ago i started a club called ILM this stands for I Love Me and three weeks ago I showed this video to the group of now 73 people and several went on to do important things in the community conserning it. One is even hosting a meeting tacheing girls how to protect themselves at the local gym. Thankyou from all of ILM for helping us get this video.

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