Beacon Street Girls Writing Contest

Beacon Street GirlsDo you dream of being the next Sarah Dessen or Meg Cabot? If fiction is your thing, this new writing contest is for you. B*tween Productions Inc., home of the Beacon Street Girls (BSG) book series and website for girls ages 9 to 13, just launched the BSG Young Authors Contest, an exciting opportunity for girls to apply their creativity and flex their writing muscles.

The BSG Young Authors Contest takes a story credited to one of the Beacon Street Girls’ main characters, Charlotte Ramsey, who needs help finishing her story “Orangina’s Travels” in time for her best friend Sophie’s visit from France. The best original ending will be published in the back of a new Beacon Street Girls book due in bookstores everywhere in the fall.

Here’s the nitty gritty: One winner will have her story ending published in book 16 of the Beacon Street Girls series. Just follow the steps below to enter:

1. Read all of Orangina’s Travels
2. Write your own, original ending of 600 words or less
3. Print out the Contest Entry Form and fill it out completely (don’t forget to have your parents sign the last page!)

Entries must be received by February 23, 2009. Complete rules can be found on the website.

Good luck!


  1. Hannah Said,

    April 26, 2009 @ 7:37 am

    Do you know who won because i’m a kid who entered it and I want to see who won.I also have 5 accounts on bsg and one of them is flichick213.

  2. dreber Said,

    April 28, 2009 @ 7:55 am

    Hi Hannah,
    I’m so glad to hear that you entered the writing contest! The contest is being run by Beacon Street Girls, so you’ll have to check in with them for more info at Here’s what their contest rules say though: Odds of winning depend on the number of entries received. Many will enter; few will win. All Contest entries meeting the requirements of these Official Rules and Regulations will be evaluated upon the following criteria: 25% creative writing skill, 25% effort, 25% originality, and 25% appropriate voice and style for the BSG series. Stories will be judged by B*tween Productions staff on or around April 10, 2009, at B*tween’s offices. Selections are final and binding. One (1) winner plus five (5) runners-up will be chosen among all entries. Parents of the winner and runners-up will be notified by email.

    Good luck!

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