Turn Beauty Inside Out Today!

Today is Turn Beauty Inside Out Day, an annual event hosted by Mind on the Media to celebrate healthy media images that promote critical analysis of sexism in media. It was created in 2000 by a group of girls ages 8-16, the Girls Editorial Board of the fabulous New Moon Magazine.

In honor of TBIO, people everywhere are invited to celebrate Inner Beauty–the beauty of conviction, caring and action. Says, Mind on the Media, “Girls and boys (not to speak of women and men) need a definition of beauty that focuses on who we are and what we do, not on how we look.”

Why is it so important to take the time shift our focus on the external to the beauty within? Here are just a few reasons:

  • Eighty percent of 10-year-old American girls say they have been on a diet
  • The number one magic wish for young girls age 11-17 is to be thinner
  • Females cite the media as the most important source of pressure to be thin
  • Studies show that reading “teen magazines” and having exposure to thin models creates lower self esteem, body dissatisfaction, decreased confidence and potential eating disorder symptoms
  • By age 13, approximately 53% of American girls are “unhappy with their bodies”

So how exactly does one go about celebrating our inner beauty? Here are a few of my ideas:

  • Make a list of at least 10 of your personal values. (Values are those things that determine how you conduct yourself in the world, how you act towards those around you, and how you treat yourself). These might include things like honesty, trust, optimism, reliability, humor, cooperation, knowledge, adventure…and so on.) Know that when you live by these values you will be your best, most authentic self.
  • Describe a cause, social justice issue, or volunteer organization you care about and why.
  • Keep a journal for a day of all the things your physical body enables you to do (walk to school, play a sport, house your brain, protect you, and so on) and thank it for all it does!
  • Make a list of the different, wonderful qualities you bring to your friendships. If you want to take it a step further, spread the the love and write a note to a friend thanking her for being there for you.
  • Take a media vacation for the day (or the week!) to tune out negative media images. To fill the void? Indulge in your hobby, spend time with friends that make you feel good, or work towards a personal goal you’ve been putting on hold.
  • Remember that you have worth and value simply by being you!

What ideas do you have to add to this list?


  1. New Moon Girls Said,

    May 20, 2011 @ 12:04 pm

    This is an awesome post. Please check out our readers input on our website, newmoon.com.

  2. Rochelle Said,

    May 26, 2011 @ 7:30 am

    So glad I found your blog! It’s a great foundation for what I am doing with my girl’s program.

  3. dreber Said,

    May 26, 2011 @ 10:02 am

    Thx New Moon! 🙂

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