Meet Freestyle Soccer Wonder, Indi Cowie

I love this story about freestyle soccer sensation Indi Cowie. Indi is considered to be one of the best female freestylers in the world, which means she can do amazing moves like the “Head and Foot Stall,” “Lemmens Touzani Around the World,” and the “Vee Stall” better than most. When she was only 10 years old, she could juggle the ball more than 2,000 times without it ever touching the ground! (You can see her doing these moves and more on the video below.)

Indi is a brilliant soccer player in her own right, and she trains and plays with a boy’s team because the pace is faster and she believes it will help her be the best soccer player she can be. And what I love most about this story is Indi’s attitude and approach to honing her craft. She practices at least 90 minutes a day – bringing her training to her personal indoor gym (a.k.a. her garage) to practice her freestyling tricks over and over until she gets them right. Her commitment and dedication to being her best is inspiring…she has a goal and she puts in the time and energy to reach it.

Watch this video from the New York Times below and see if it doesn’t leave you feeling more inspired!


  1. Gabby Haedelt Said,

    March 28, 2011 @ 9:49 am

    Wow!!! This video is really amazing. These tricks are awesome and her dedication is amazing. Go Indi!!!!!!!!!

  2. Tess B. Said,

    March 29, 2011 @ 5:14 pm

    She is so cool. This is a girl who knows her authentic self and is just going for it. What an inspiration.

  3. dreber Said,

    March 29, 2011 @ 9:35 pm

    Agreed…love to see that kind of self-awareness…her energy and attitude is infectious!!

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