Break the Cycle’s PSA Contest
Hopeline and Break the Cycle have just joined forces to create a PSA (public service announcement) competition for teens. If you’re between the ages of 13 abd 18, enrolled in high school in the United States (or US Territories), you’re eligible to enter the “Let Your Heart Rule” PSA Contest. To enter, team up with up to four other classmates at your school and create a video PSA that helps raise awareness about dating violence. Five entries will be selected for a special final round where you, your friends and family can all vote for your favorite PSA. The winning team wins some terrific tech from Verizon Wireless and the chance to premiere their PSA on Dr. Phil. And just so we’re clear on what dating abuse is, here’s how Break the Cycle breaks it down:
“Dating abuse isn’t an argument every once in a while, or a bad mood after a bad day. Dating abuse is a pattern of controlling behavior that someone uses against a girlfriend or boyfriend. Dating abuse does not discriminate. It does not see your gender, your religion or your skin color. It does not care whether you are 14 or 24 or if you’re straight or gay. It can happen to anyone.”
Want to enter the contest? Get started brainstorming and find out more here. Or watch the video below to get inspired. Oh yeah…the deadline is April 14th. Good luck!