Is Makeup Bad for Your Health?

When I was a teen, when and how much makeup I was allowed to wear was the subject of many a heated discussion between me and my parents. They wanted me to wait until I was 15 or 16, and I wanted to start in middle school, especially since it seemed like all my friends were wearing it. Today, girls are wearing makeup younger and younger, and, according to a recent article in the UTNE Reader, there may be very real, and very harmful, physical side-effects.

From the article:

“Scientists now suspect that chemicals found in many of the cosmetics for which young girls clamor contribute to a disturbing trend. Girls in the U.S., especially African American girls, are entering puberty earlier than their grandmothers did. Half of all American girls now show signs of breast development by age 10 (1 to 2 years earlier than 40 years ago), and a significant number show signs as early as 8 or 9.”

The article says that while there are very small amounts of toxins in makeup, using a lot of different products over a long period of time, especially when that time starts as early as 5 or 7 years old (seriously…that’s the target age for the Hannah Montana Backstage Makeover Set), can lead to early puberty, which then can cause things like: higher risk of breast cancer, higher risk of depression, being more likely to engage in drinking and unprotected sex, and affecting the brain’s ability to learn skills like playing an instrument or speaking a foreign language.

So what can be done? Get educated about what you’re putting on your face and body. And follow the lead of teen Jessica Assaf, who decided to become a makeup activist to educated other teens about the reality of makeup toxins and convince makeup companies to use safer ingredients. Check out Jessica’s organization, Teens for Safe Cosmetics, part of Teens Turning Green, to find out more!


  1. Michele Said,

    January 23, 2009 @ 10:45 am

    Well, I know I wasn’t allowed to wear makeup until I was 16!!!! And some of my friends made fun of me! But now I guess I should be thankful!!

  2. Lisa Said,

    June 25, 2010 @ 1:54 am

    haha I wasn’t allowed to wear make up until I was 18 ! I still RARELY ever wear it unless I’m going for a job interview & even then I’ll only put mascara on but even that’s still not good for you. The chemicals also cause cancer (I know everything seems to cause cancer but it’s true) & it’s NOT good for your skin at all nor for your eyes.

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