New Video From The Girl Effect

girleffectThe Girl Effect – an online movement devoted to empowering 600 million adolescent girls in the developing world to be agents of change and make the world a better place – has a powerful new video out called The Clock is Ticking.

This video explores how girls in many impoverished countries are considered women by the time they hit 12 years old. By the time they’re 14, many are married. By 15, pregnant or with a child. But as The Clock is Ticking shows, this cycle can be stopped when girls are given a chance – when they have the ability to stay in school, have regular medical check-ups, and stay safe.

What I love about this video, besides the gorgeous animation, cool design, and moving music, is that it so simply lays out the case for not only what’s wrong with the picture for girls living in poverty around the world, but how changing the life of one girl can make a difference to many.

Check it out for yourself:

To get involved with The Girl Effect, visit their website here and get mobilized. Like them on , host a Girl Effect fundraiser party, and join in the conversation!

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