Ypulse Looking for Youth Advisory Board Members

ypulselogoI just found out about another great opportunity for those of you who want to get more involved in journalism and are looking for a platform to share your perspective on pop culture, the media, and more. Ypulse, the popular blog that provides independent coverage of youth culture, has just put out the call for new members to join the Ypulse Youth Advisory Board (YAB). Ypulse is looking to further expand the YAB network and broaden the scope of young voices that give Ypulse Readers an authentic glimpse into youth culture today.

Here’s the scoop straight from the source:

For the 2010/2011 term we’re opening up 10 slots to youth between the ages of 13 and 24. We’re looking for diversity in age, race, geography and experience, but most importantly strong opinions about youth culture that will inform and challenge the ongoing discussion around media and marketing here on Ypulse.

We offer the YAB quarterly incentives, along with, of course, the opportunity to publish on Ypulse (building a body of published work and having your photo/bio on the site), network with other advisory board members, and the potential for college or career references and recommendations. There may also be opportunities to attend conferences or other events as “press.”

The board meets on a virtual platform once a month and regularly corresponds over email to discuss editorial ideas, multimedia projects and other contributions. To qualify as a full member and receive those aforementioned incentives, we ask members meet a few eligibility requirements (5 editorial and/or multimedia contributions per year-long term and a maximum of 3 missed meetings, unless there are extenuating circumstances). Nothing too unreasonable since we know most are students and/or working.

If this at all interests you, I urge you to go for it. One of the Louder Than Words authors I worked closely with this past year, Chelsea Rae Swiggett (author of Rae) participated on the YAB this year and had a great experience.

If you are between the ages of 13 and 24, you can fill out the online application here. The deadline for YAB applications is Friday, September 17 by 5 p.m. PST.

Good luck!

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