Do You Care What Others Think?

Most of us do…care what others think about us, that is. When it comes to things like the people you hang out with, the activities you do, the way you talk, and your personal style, chances are you’re at the very least considering how others will perceive you as you make your choices.

Some might say it’s human nature. Well, a new study by Dr. Amanda E. Guyer of the National Institute of Mental Health suggests that for teen girls, this reality of worrying about what others think about them – and therefore their potential depression and anxiety based on this – gets more intense as they progress through teenhood. The study was based on brain science, and looked at how certain regions of the brain were activated more strongly when they thought they were being evaluated by another teen. The more “high-interest” the peer was (prettier, popular, more interesting), the more strongly the brain reacted.

I’ll be honest…worrying about what others think of me is something I’ve struggled with from a very young age. When I was younger, I felt I was too short, too goofy, too plain Jane, and I was sure others saw me this way, too. And while I can’t say that I 100 percent don’t care what others think of me today, it’s definitely not such a big deal anymore. Now, I try to remember that most people are thinking about themselves and their own stuff, not sitting around considering the way I dress or parent or what kind of car I drive. And that’s incredibly freeing thing. I just wish it hadn’t taken me so long to figure it out.

And just to show you that I am OK with whatever you want to think about me, I’m including one of the most embarrassing photos of me I could find…a nice shot from college, complete with dorky glasses, goofy grin, and stuffed animal. Think what you want…go on, I can take it!

How about you? Do you care what others think of you? How does worrying about others’ perceptions impact your life?

1 Comment »

  1. Autumn Draper Said,

    May 9, 2010 @ 11:18 pm

    I care about what other people think about me because what they think about me determines how they will treat me. For instance, I am a Wiccan but some people mistakenly think that Wiccans worship Satan. Those people react to me according to their mistaken belief, and their reaction is not a positive one by any means. So yes, I care about what other people think about me because what they think about me determines how they will treat me. Perhaps the best that I can do is to surround myself with like-minded people and to avoid those who are not willing to learn the truth about me.

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