YA Author-Palooza

You ever have those moments where you just realize, “Hey, I love my life!”? That pretty much sums up my weekend, since I got to spend Saturday and Sunday hanging out with hundreds of other writers and illustrators of children’s and YA books at the annual conference for SCBWI (Society for Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators) of Western Washington.

As a writer, I spend much time alone in my little office upstairs, my only company being my white shepherd Baxter who tends to sprawl out under my desk. So to be surrounded by others who share my passion for writing and connecting with people through stories and words on the page, was just what I needed. I came away from the weekend with pages full of notes on everything from creating believable characters to plotting, new friends and professional acquaintances, and enough inspiration to last me a good long while.

Here are some pictures from the big weekend, where I got to hang with the very funny and inspirational author of 13 Reasons Why, Jay Asher; National Book Award finalist for her novel Lips Touch, author Laini Taylor; the wonderful Mitali Perkins (author of Rickshaw Girl and the First Daughter series); Holly Cupula, whose debut novel comes out this June; Suzanne Young, author of series (and about a cabillion other forthcoming books…she is one busy writer!); Liz Gallagher, author of the YA novel ; Heather Davis, whose newest novel , just came out yesterday (happy book birthday!); and Kevin Emerson, musician and author of the Oliver Nocturne series. I hope some of their literary genius rubs off on me!

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