Happy Anniversary to readergirlz

readergirlz, the online book community for young adults, is celebrating it’s third anniversary this month! If you’re not tapped in to all the great stuff happening at readergirlz, you’ll want to check out their site for interviews and video chats with your favorite YA authors, book trailers, and an opportunity to connect with other people who love YA lit.

This month’s issue features an interview with Scott Westerfeld, author of the Uglies series and Leviathan, and inside scoop on their artist-in-residence, Elizabeth Scott, who has written Love You, Miss You, Hate You; Something, Maybe, and many other great books.

Oh, and next month I’ll be participating in readergirlz’ Operation Ten Book Drop, a nationwide campaign whereby authors and readers are invited to “drop” a favorite book in a public space for another teen to find, thereby spreading the joy of reading and stories. I’ll post more about this as the event, scheduled for April 15, 2010, gets closer!


  1. Little Willow Said,

    March 2, 2010 @ 8:24 am

    Thank you for your continued support of readergirlz! So happy that you’ll be taking part in Operation TBD. Thank you. 🙂

  2. Lorie Ann Grover Said,

    March 2, 2010 @ 12:27 pm

    YAY! rgz hearts you and your works! Thanks, Debbie!

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