American Apparel Goes Too Far

American ApparelWhen I first heard about American Apparel’s new campaign, I thought it must have been a joke. I mean seriously, what kind of reputable clothing company would actually do something as offensive as start a campaign looking for the “best bottom in the world?”

Well, it’s no joke.

American Apparel has just launched a “Search for the Best Bottom in the World.” That’s right. From their website:

We’re looking for a brand new bum (the best in the world!) to be the new “face” for our always expanding intimates and briefs lines. The winners will be flown to LA,photographed, and featured online. Send in a close-up photo of your backside wearing American Apparel panties, bodysuits, or briefs for consideration and vote for your personal favorites.


I don’t even know where to start when it comes to pointing out just how wrong this is. In one fell swoop, American Apparel has 1) reinforced the harmful practice of objectifying women, 2) promoted the negative advertising practice of treating women as sexualized body parts as opposed to real people, 3) encouraged the photographing and emailing of racy photos to be posted online, and 4) essentially turned their website into a porn site where anyone can view scantily-clad women and vote for their favorites. And that just scratches the surface.

How in any way, shape or form did American Apparel think this ad campaign was a good idea?

I plan to let American Apparel know just what I think of their new contest and I encourage you to do the same. You can send them an snail mail or call them (American Apparel, 747 Warehouse St., Los Angeles, CA 90021 – Tel. +1 (213) 488-0226) or send them a note in their online feedback form.

I’m not alone here, right? Tell me what you think!


  1. gracie Said,

    February 10, 2010 @ 3:06 pm

    thats just…gross. ew. whats wrong with them? i like there clothes and all, but COME ON! they have serious issues.

  2. cami Said,

    February 22, 2010 @ 1:29 pm

    I can’t believe a store for teens would display such a message to young girls. Talk about inappropriateness! This is all completely wrong and this is sending a completely bad impression to the buyers of their merchandise!

  3. Melissa Said,

    April 13, 2010 @ 5:59 pm

    I heard about American Apparel’s new marketing campaign, but I have to say that I’m not at all surprised by it – not from them I mean. They’ve always had overly sexualized images in their ads. I did a assignment on them for college because I was so fed up with their advertising campaigns. The only thing that they do have in their favor is the decision to use real women in their ads (often employees of American Apparel, which is a little weird) and their decision not to Photoshop the models.

    The thing that really bothers me is that most of the ads – this marketing campaign is no different in this regard – is how 18+ the images often are. I once saw an with a woman only wearing socks and laying in an unmade bed. (I’ll leave you to draw your own conclusions.) While her intimate body parts weren’t showing, it was still quite gross imo.

  4. Kyle Said,

    January 18, 2011 @ 11:19 am

    They ran it as a contest, to find new models. They ran it for women, and men. A contest for men and women, thats fair, and on top of it they asked people to submit photos. If you wanted to be an american apparel model, i bet you’d think this was awesome. If they want to run this racy campaign, let them. And if people want to submit photos of them selfs in their underwear online, then let them do that too.

    And i realize this happened a while ago, but still. AA is know for this kind of stuff. If you really don’t like it, don’t shop with them.

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