Hi SmartGals!

I recently got back from trip to New York where I had the chance to present a workshop to the Girl Scouts about how girls can reduce the stress in their lives. It was such an amazing opportunity, and I had a blast getting to know the smart women behind the Girl Scout’s very cool Uniquely ME! program. If you haven’t heard of it, Uniquely ME! is a self-esteem initiative that is part of the Girl Scout’s Studio 2B website, which features all kinds of articles and quizzes on everything related to girl power, celebrity culture, relationship advice, and on and on.

Uniquely ME! is supported by none other than the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty, which I’ve written about on Smart Girls Know. Through their campaign, Dove is working to educate girls and women and ultimately change the status quo and offer in its place a broader, healthier, more democratic view of beauty…one that all women can own and enjoy everyday. Sounds good to me!

I’ve posted some of the videos from Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty and the Dove Self-Esteem Fund in the past, including Evolution and Onslaught, and I wanted to share with you their latest video, Under Pressure:

What do you think? Write a comment to share your thoughts! And if you have some time, definitely check out the Dove website just for girls where you can learn more about body image, see how images in magazines are retouched, and find out how to beat your own beauty hang-ups.

1 Comment »

  1. bre Said,

    August 27, 2008 @ 7:02 pm

    i’ve seen that commercial so many times on the tele, and kudos to dove!!!
    they really havemotivated girls! that clip was super true!!!! the media influences everyone! i’m really glad that some organization decided to make a video showing how important it is to be yourself =-]]

    truly amazing!

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