How Young Is Too Young to Sail Around the World?

Laura DekkerHave you heard about Laura Dekker? Laura is a 13-year-old girl from the Netherlands who is hoping to be the youngest person ever to sail solo around the world – a journey that would take her two years.

Her parents are in favor of the risky voyage. The Dutch Council for Child Protection, on the other hand, is so concerned about the risks involved that they’re trying to put a stop to the whole thing.

About the debate, a psychologist quoted in an article from the AP says “the rat race to become a so-called ‘super child’ – the youngest to accomplish some grueling feat – can be fueled by ambitious parents, laser-focused children with talent, or youngsters with a deep need to please or be praised.”

But which is it in this case and does it really matter?

I’m all for encouraging girls to pursue their dreams and to not let anyone set limits on what they accomplish – it’s one of my core values. And I also firmly believe in the benefits for girls taking safe, physical risks when it comes up beefing up self-esteem and empowering them.

Kudos to Laura for being such an incredible sailer at such a young age that this venture is even a possibility. But it seems to me that the enormity of the feat and the fact that Laura would be risking her life make this a risk not worth taking. The potential dangers in such a voyage are many (storms, pirates, malfunctions, you name it), not to mention the physical, mental, and emotional challenges Laura would surely face along the way. At a certain point, the risks and the fact that Laura would be putting her life in danger, have to outweigh the benefits of trying to accomplish this first.

What are your thoughts? How young is too young to risk one’s life for the sake of accomplishing a super feat? Is the Dutch government right in trying to prevent this voyage from taking place?


  1. Melissa Wardy Said,

    September 1, 2009 @ 4:57 pm

    I’ve sailed since I was neo-natal and it has taught me many important lessons about life. When to change course if something isn’t working, the value of teamwork, to stay calm in hairy situations..but I always had my crew around me to watch my back.

    I am all for girls Redefining Girly and as you say, taking safe physical risks to challenge their limits. But around the world? By herself? At 13? Gulp. I don’t think I could have done that, and I was hell on wheels at that age. Pirates! Real life pirates! Maybe she could sail the Great Lakes instead…

    My cousins took two years to sail around the world. Together. In their 30’s. Having read about their adventures, I’m not so sure a 13 yr old, boy or girl, is up to the task. But kudos to her for wanting to do something so brave!

  2. Alyssa Said,

    September 4, 2009 @ 9:36 am

    I think that’s a bit insane actually. By herself?? At 13?? If her dream is to sail around the world by herself, can’t she wait until she’s a bit older? This is likely an accident waiting to happen.

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