Apply for Do Something’s Youth Advisory Council

Do SomethingIf you’re a fan of Do Something, the organization aimed at inspiring and empowering teens to do something and take action towards positive change, check out this opportunity.

Do Something is looking for teens to join their Youth Advisory Council ( YAC), which is comprised of teens from across the continent serving at least a two year commitment. Members of the YAC help provide feedback on the decisions being made by Do Something, and might do things like:

  • assist in the determination of ideal logos, images, and campaign concepts
  • help with the selection of Do Something grant winners
  • reviewing the word choice(s), celebrity targets, and website content
  • represent the Do Something Advisory Council at meetings, conferences, and in the community at large

YAC members connect via annual in-person meetings and monthly conference calls in addition to ongoing e-mail correspondence. YACers make themselves available to advise on relevant issues.

Find out more and download the application here. The deadline for applications is August 31. Good luck!

XOXO Debbie


  1. Said,

    August 13, 2010 @ 2:08 pm

    Do Something is so awesome, and the Youth Advisory Council is such a great program! I just graduated from high school, so sadly I can’t apply because they don’t let you apply after you graduate. But I saw on Twitter that Emily-Anne applied! I definitely hope they accept her. She would be perfect for the YAC! I’m glad you’re encouraging teens to join, Debbie. This is great 🙂

  2. Said,

    August 13, 2010 @ 5:20 pm

    Oops! I just realized this post is from last year. LOL, my mistake. I googled “Do Something Youth Advisory Council” and your Smart Girls Know blog came up! So of course I had to read it. But what my eyes missed was that this was posted last year! Silly me :p

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