Cool Stuff from the Gals at ReaderGirlz

ReaderGirlzHi Smart Girls!

If you haven’t checked them out yet, visit ReaderGirlz, a great site for girls who love books. ReaderGirlz was started by four cool fellow women authors from my hometown of Seattle to help girls get the inside scoop on hot books, celebrate strong girl characters in books, have fun while talking about favorite books with the authors, and inspiring girls to make history of their own. See my blog posting about the launch of ReaderGirlz here.

Today is ReaderGirlz one year anniversary…CONGRATULATIONS! ReaderGirlz is celebrating with a new awesome interview with big-time YA author, Sarah Dessen. They’re also announcing a new program called Operation Teen Book Drop – a plan to provide new books for teens in Children’s Hospitals across the country. Check out the website for all the info!

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Girl OverboardAlso – Justina Chen Headley, one of the founders of ReaderGirlz, is launching a cool, new project with Burton Snowboards – the Go Overboard Challenge Grant. Named after Justina’s new novel, , the Go Overboard Challenge Grant is giving grants of up to $1,000 each for the best youth-led ideas to change the world.

Here’s a quick video about this inspiring challenge:

I absolutely love this idea, since there’s nothing more frustrating than having big dreams for making the world a better place, but not having the resources to get started. Well, if you’ve got an idea to change the world, here’s your big chance…go for it!

XOXO Debbie


  1. Little Willow Said,

    March 1, 2008 @ 4:40 pm

    Hurrah for smart girls and hurrah for avid readers! 🙂

  2. Lorie Ann Grover Said,

    March 1, 2008 @ 5:37 pm

    Your site totally rocks! Thanks so much for supporting readergirlz and the Girl Overboard Challenge Grant! We appreciate you helping to get the word out!

    Best to you and Smart Girls Know,

    Lorie Ann Grover, author/readergirlz diva
    On Pointe

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