Engineer Your Life

Engineer Your LifeI know, I know…I’ve been writing a lot about engineering lately, but I just stumbled upon a new website for high school girls that I just had to let you know about. It’s called Engineer Your Life, and it’s designed to give high school girls with an interest in engineering all the info they need to pursue their career dreams.

On this site, you’ll get to meet more than a dozen women engineers doing cool jobs like programming video games at Lucas, designing toys, and expand renewable energy resources. You’ll also find out exactly how to map out your career journey by knowing how to prep yourself for college, learn about different university engineering programs, and read about what it’s like to be an engineering student from young women in the trenches right now. Lastly, Engineer Your Life describes all the different types of jobs you can get with a degree in engineering.

If engineering is your thing, definitely check out this site!

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