Happy Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day!

Today is official Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day! As part of Engineers Week, the day is meant to publicize the need for more women in engineering, and the founding organization is reaching out to girls of all ages with positive messages about math and science education and engineering careers. Companies and organizations around the country are participating in the day by offering conferences, tours, workshops, and presentations to girls to introduce them to the field of engineering.

According to the National Engineers Week Foundation, “Women are severly underrepresented in the engineering profession. Research shows that girls and young women lose interest in subjects and the fields of study leading to engineering careers long before they enter college.”

Find out more about the day here!

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I interviewed young and talented engineer Tamara Hayman of Lockheed Martin for my book In Their Shoes. When I asked Tamara what advice she had for aspiring engineers, here’s what she had to say:

“Pay attention to detail, be nosy, and want to know how things work. Be a people person. We’re not all geeks or bookworms – we have to be able to interact with people. And lastly, remember that engineering is not just about math and science – it’s about making your ideas a reality.”


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