Can You Tell Your Life Story in Six Words?

As you know, I’m working on a series of teen-authored memoirs called Louder Than Words for HCI Books. So I was intrigued to read about SMITHTeens, a writing project featuring six-word memoirs written by teens.

That’s right. Your life story in six little words.

According to the website, SMITH is both a place for professional and never-before-published writers, artists, and photographers, bound together by a passion for storytelling.

Check out these six-word memoirs posted on the SMITHTeens website:

  • I haven’t learned from my past. – by Kaida
  • Maybe, hopefully, tomorrow will be different. – by Invisible Sunset
  • My dad won’t be at graduation. by Still Small, Still Searching

I love the idea of these little memoirs. When you’ve got only six words to tell your story, you’ve got to make every one count. Not an easy task, to say the least. Which makes me wonder what my six words would be?

Keeping my eye on the goal. Nah. Too boring and predictable. Maybe: Living every day in the moment. Yeah, I like the sound of that. That’s my goal, anyway… I hope someday that really is my life story!

So how about you? What would your six little words be?

1 Comment »

  1. Kalisha Said,

    June 19, 2009 @ 12:34 pm

    My six words: I am definitely my mothers daughter.

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