Thank You Pass the Torch!

The excellent blog Pass the Torch just ran a great review of my book, In Their Shoes, and held a contest for a giveaway of a copy of the book. I know lots of new visitors have come over to check out what we’re doing here at Smart Girls Know, and I hope you liked what you saw!

Pass the Torch was created by Kelly Curtis, who blogs about youth empowerment and responsibility, family travel, parenting struggles, and child accomplishments. She has also created a board game for middle school and high school students about career exploration, called the Career Expedition Board Game. In the game, players read realistic examples of choices young people make during the career prep process, and experience the consequences of these choices. Discovery Cards in the game help players think about their personal career planning process, interests, aptitudes, values, and work preferences. You can find out more about this cool career board game here!

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