113 Things to Do By 13

113 Things To Do By 13A new book for young girls recently landed in my inbox, and I wanted share it with all you Smart Girls out there. is described as “the go-to guide to life for young girls.”

What I like most about this book, besides the colorful and magazine-like interior, is that it was conceived of and co-written by a teen herself, 14 year old Brittany MacLeod. Brittany teamed up with her mom Terri to enlist more than 100 people (some famous, some not) to contribute their expertise and teen survival tips.

The book covers every imaginable topic, including things like: how to cope with bullying, mean girls, and gossip, tips for becoming involved, how-to’s for budgeting, body image advice, and how to communicate with parents.

To find out more and watch a video about the book, visit the website!


  1. Iryna Said,

    May 28, 2009 @ 2:50 pm

    This looks like a really neat book. Thanks for pointing it in my direction!

  2. Courtney Said,

    June 27, 2009 @ 2:15 pm

    How come you’re always in the know of these great new authors?
    LOL, can’t wait to read it!

    Love. xo

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