Are You a Material Girl?

Do you clamor for the latest in fashion? Do you start writing your Christmas list of must-haves in the middle of July? Do you consider people who have more “stuff” to be luckier than you?

If so, it might not be more material things that you’re short of after all. Two new studies found that materialism and self-esteem are connected. In other words, the more you care about material things, the lower your self-esteem may be.

Makes sense to me. I mean, who hasn’t used retail therapy to make themselves feel better by shopping for new things? But just like the song goes, money can’t buy you love…and that includes self-love!

So the next time you find yourself becoming more and more interested in what material things you do or don’t have, why not look at how much you have going on the inside and work on boosting your own self-esteem? Trust me…high self-esteem is worth more than anything you could ever buy in a store.


  1. Candi Said,

    December 13, 2007 @ 9:42 am

    I feel lower in self esteem because everyone but me can afford expensive clothes

  2. LONDON TiPTON Said,

    January 1, 2008 @ 9:10 pm

    I am a material girl and I have high self esteem. I know there is more to life than shopping but shopping makes me happy so that’s what I do.. I’m a material girl but I’m still friendly and I don’t mess with other people becuase they can’t afford certain things so all material girls are not snobs..

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