Double-Daring Book for Girls Contest Winners

Double-Daring Book for GirlsJust a quick post to announce the winners of the Double-Daring Book for Girls giveaway! Here are the two winners (chosen at random), along with their thoughts on what daring means to them. Congratulations! XOXO Debbie

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I decided to be “daring” and wrote an acrostic poem:

Doing things that scare you
Acting totally original
Risking something in order to get something else
Igniting passions for things you never knew you liked
Not following what other people are doing
Going out and doing things outside of your comfort zone


To me Daring means to do something crazy, something outside your comfort zone.Daring people are scared, they have fears and many of them have them by the dozens. It’s to not be without fears but the pass those fears for hope of happiness or just plain thrill and excitement. To understand hurt and to felt it but want something else. Dare to be smart, is to try your hardest in school even if it’s not an A in every subject. Dare to have fun, be crazy, put on a play, dance around to your favorite band, build a tree house, play a made up game with friends. Dare to be different is to be yourself not just to be different, or odd. Daring to be Daring Girl!


  1. Iryna Said,

    April 28, 2009 @ 12:16 pm

    This is so terribly exciting! Thank-you so much for the contest! My only question is: How do I receive this book?

  2. Miriam Peskowitz Said,

    April 28, 2009 @ 3:09 pm

    Hi Iryna and Aislinn,

    These Daring answers are incredible. Good luck to both of you, and live life with gusto!

    Miriam Peskowitz
    The Double-Daring Book for Girls

  3. dreber Said,

    April 28, 2009 @ 7:23 pm

    Thanks for stopping by Miriam 🙂

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