New White House Council on Women and Girls
Barack Obama has been making lots of changes since moving into the White House in January, but his most recent is especially great news for smart girls everywhere! Just this week, President Obama signed an executive order creating a White House Council on Women and Girls.
The council was created to ensure American women and girls are treated fairly in all matters of public policy. During its first year, the council will focus on important things like improving women’s economic security, developing policies that establish a balance between work and family, finding new ways to prevent violence against women, and improving women’s health care.
Here’s what President Obama had to say about the importance of the council to him:
I sign this order not just as a President, but as a son, a grandson, a husband, and a father, because growing up, I saw my mother put herself through school and follow her passion for helping others. But I also saw how she struggled to raise me and my sister on her own, worrying about how she’d pay the bills and educate herself and provide for us. I saw my grandmother work her way up to become one of the first women bank vice presidents in the state of Hawaii, but I also saw how she hit a glass ceiling — how men no more qualified than she was kept moving up the corporate ladder ahead of her. I’ve seen Michelle, the rock of the Obama family, juggling work and parenting with more skill and grace than anybody that I know. But I also saw how it tore at her at times, how sometimes when she was with the girls she was worrying about work, and when she was at work she was worrying about the girls. It’s a feeling that I share every day.
So now it’s up to us to carry that work forward, to ensure that our daughters and granddaughters have no limits on their dreams, no obstacles to their achievements — and that they have opportunities their mothers and grandmothers and great grandmothers never dreamed of. That’s the purpose of this Council. Those are the priorities of my presidency. And I look forward to working with all of you to fulfill them in the months and years to come.
Now that’s change I can believe in!