Archive for November 2011

Looking to Hear from Teens for Heart of Gold

Heart of GoldHey smart girls!

I’m excited to share the news about a new online venture I’ve been working on, Heart of Gold. Heart of Gold is for girls ages 14 – 18 who have big dreams and want to impact their world. The site, now in Beta, offers a ton of info, practical tools, and inspiration to help you as you explore and connect with your passion and take creative risks. The focus is on entrepreneurship, social activism, and volunteerism, but there’s also a lot of great content that is all about being the best you you can be.

The goal of the site, and the whole reason I came on board as the editor-in-chief, is to support girls just like you as you work towards your goals and make your big, fabulous marks on the world.

While we’re still in the early stages of Heart of Gold, we’re looking to bring in the voices of the real experts in the teen empowerment landscape… YOU. We’d love to feature you, your projects, your causes…your voice, on the site, in the form of video blogs and guest blog posts.

Interested? Here are a couple of things I’m looking for right now:

Teen Entrepreneurs:

  • Video blogs about your venture / concept / product / service
  • Guest posts about your business
  • Questions about any and all things entrepreneurship for our expert to answer

Teen Social Activists:

  • Video blogs telling us about the cause you’re most passionate about
  • Guests posts about an issue or cause you want to spread the word about

Teen Volunteers:

  • Video blogs telling us about your volunteer life (why you do it, who you do it for)
  • Guests posts about your volunteer life

I’m also looking for a handful of teen girls to review books, TV shows, and movies for Heart of Gold, so if that’s your thing, I want to hear from you.

STILL interested? Then here’s what I need you to do:

  1. with your name and age (19 is the cut-off) and a 2-3 sentence “bio” about yourself
  2. Tell me how you’re interested in participating (guest post, video blog, etc.), and what you would write or video blog about
  3. That’s it! Once I hear from you, I’ll be in touch with more details

Sound good? Great! Oh, and before you get in touch, head over to Heart of Gold and click through the site to get a sense of what we’ve got going on over there!

Thanks, and I hope to hear from you!

XOXO Debbie

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